Sunday, June 03, 2007

A Sacred Outpouring From Another World

For me the passionate journey involves volumes of written work. I'm always writing.

In fact I think I was born to write. Writing helps me to enter the deepest regions of my soul. Writing helps me to clarify what I really want to accomplish with my life.

Sometimes when I am writing in a journal, I catch a glimpse of an illuminating point at the tip of the writing pens, where it intersects the page. While there is no real clue to this odd phenomena, I believe it to be a divine illumination from the heavens above, especially in light of some of the work that flows when I know that no one else will read my work. When I reread it I am suprised by the lyrical beauty of the words and the message. If only I could write like that when I knew someone else would be reading it. but in those moments when the words flood the page, I often think that I am merely an open and willing channel for a sacred outpouring from another world.

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