Thursday, January 05, 2006

You Are Invited!

You Are Invited!

This is the timeless invitation that was extended two thousand years ago, and has been extended every year since Jesus breathed these passionate words offering freedom.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light." Matthew 11:28-30

What was Jesus referring to in this passionate invitation? Was it the heavy loads of religious traditions that the Pharisees and scribes laid on the people?

What are the heavy loads that you carry? What burdens do you want to lay down? Jesus is inviting you to come to him and HE will give you rest. He will free you of the heavy baggage
you have been carrying.

How can someone laden with baggage ever be free to live a passionate existence? I don't think it is possible to live a passionate life when you are so burdened with a heavy load. We live during a time that places a premium on the busy life. The message being sent into the world is a distorted one that says that overload is a badge of honor to be displayed with arrogant pride. How is it that our culture has come to associate "the busy life" as an "important life?"

What is of vital importance... is for you to connect with your true power source. In that relationship, you will discover the essence of why you were created and you will be given the freedom to let go of the heavy bags that have nothing to do with your purpose here.

If you are so busy carrying those old bags, you are rather useless to God. But you don't have to be. Every human being was created with a magnificent purpose. Wouldn't you like to learn more about how to live out that purpose? Your decision to accept the invitation is the first step in The Passionate Journey.

When I embarked on my own Passionate Journey I began with:

1.) A Box of Kleenex
2.) A Life Application Study Bible
3.) A Journal
4.) An Open Heart
5.) A Collection of Praise and Worship Music
6.) Incense
7.) A Latte
8.) A Willingness To Go Where The Holy Spirit Led Me

I am now several years into The Passionate Journey, in the process my life has gone through an amazing transformation. My career and the baggage of my life had burdened me down so much that I literally didn't know the person I had become. She was so far from the one who whispered
in the depths of my soul.

It is my prayer that The Passionate Journey will help you in extraordinary ways to become the person that you were created to be, not the one that the world conforms you to, but rather the
truest form of you as intended by your creator.

copyright (c) Kathi Dameron January 5, 2006

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